The 1334 Podcast

Episode 3 | Voices of Recovery: The Anchorage's Mission and Impact

Episode Summary

In this episode of the 1334 podcast, host Blake Barlow welcomes Bob Lynch and Ken Rice from The Anchorage in Albany, Georgia. The Anchorage, a faith-based ministry, has been aiding men's recovery from alcohol and drug addictions for over 70 years. The episode delves into the unique, compassionate approach of The Anchorage, highlighting transformative stories of recovery and the organization's community impact. Discussions include the day-to-day operations, the integration of faith and rehabilitation, and the importance of community support and donations.

Episode Notes

Podcast Notes:


About The Anchorage:


Community Involvement:

Call to Action:

Special Mention:

Closing Remarks:

This episode provides a deep insight into the challenges and triumphs in the journey of recovery, underlining the crucial role of faith-based initiatives and community support in making a positive difference.